Carroll CSD

Dear Parents and Guardians,

The state has released new information on school performance as required by a federal education law called the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):

  • The Iowa School Performance Profiles reflects how public schools performed on a set of core accountability measures, such as results on the statewide assessment. The tool displays a school’s score based on overall performance, as well as scores based on the performance of subgroups of students. These subgroups include students who are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, students receiving special education services, English learners, and students from racial/ethnic minority groups.

  • Based on these scores, some schools in Iowa have been identified for additional support and improvement (Comprehensive or Targeted) and some schools have been identified for extended support if they continue to be identified after 3 years (Extended Comprehensive or Extended Targeted).

Our school has not been identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (which is based on overall performance), Targeted Support and Improvement (which is based on the performance of student subgroups), or any Extended status.  However, our school still receives scores on these accountability measures, and these are updated annually; you can locate our scores and results on the Iowa School Performance Profiles site.  

We have many things to celebrate in our school as all schools at CCSD have met the state requirements and our staff continues to work on plans for future positive improvement. We are working toward improvement in the areas of Conditions for Learning and post secondary readiness participation. We view Iowa’s accountability and support as an opportunity to review our strengths and areas for improvement and to build on the great things we have going on. 

Thank you for your continued support of our school, our staff, and our students.

For more information about the Iowa School Performance Profiles and ESSA, visit the following website:


Karinne Tharaldson

Director of Teaching and Learning