Board Action

Dear Families,

At its March 20 meeting, the Carroll CSD Board of Education approved several changes to the 2022-23 school year calendar to make up instructional time missed due to inclement weather this winter.

Our original 2022-23 calendar included 1,141 hours, which is 61 hours more than the required 1,080 hours. To date, we have accumulated a total of four no school days, three three-hour early dismissal days, one one-hour early dismissal day, and four late-start days due to weather.

With this in mind, the following school calendar changes will be implemented to account for missed instructional hours:

  • Friday, May 26 will be a full day of school (previously scheduled last day of school)

  • Tuesday, May 30 will be added as a full day of school

  • Wednesday, May 31 will be added as two-hour early dismissal and last day of school for students

There are no changes to the seniors' last day or graduation and the preschool calendar has not changed.  

We appreciate your understanding, and we hope to avoid further school cancellations and delays due to weather this school year.

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Dr. Casey Berlau
